How-To & Hands-On Writing in Kindergarten

 A How-To Chart that is introduced in the Narrative Unit. It reminds writers that they will use old tricks when they start a new genre and that they already have experience with the How-To genre through this chart model.

 How-To Cut a Heart mini lesson. We made some edits and additions when we tried to cut out hearts following the steps.
The Habits of Work are part of being the best we can be and an important part of learning. Another How-To Chart that weaves in the genre in a holistic way.

How-To & Hands-On Writing Fun

Making Slime

Making Moon Sand

Making Pine Cone Bird Feeders

How to Be Rug Ready Chart

How to Work Independently Chart

How to Get Started Chart

Maribeth Boelts, Noah Z. Jones, & Lauren Castillo

An Author & Illustrator Study Mentor Text Set Recommendation

In Those Shoes the narrator is an elementary school aged boy who wants the kind of sneakers all the other kids at school seem to have.  A few adults try to step in to help, but perhaps in the end, finding one peer who understands, is what he really needs.  

Looks like you could use a new pair, Jeremy," Mr. Alfrey, the guidance counselor, says. He brings out a box of shoes and other stuff he has for kids who need things. He helps me find the only ones that are my size- Velcro- like the ones my little cousin Marshall wears.

In Happy Like Soccer the narrative is an elementary aged girl being raised by her auntie. She shares her thread of her juxtaposition- her passion for soccer, but the feelings of isolation it serves up every game she plays in. 

But nothing makes me sad like soccer, too, because the restaurant where my auntie works is busy on Saturdays and she can't take time off for something like a soccer game.

In A Bike Like Sergio's the narrator is an elementary school aged boy who first tells us that, "Every kid has a bike but me." Ruben faces an ethical tangle and demand for maturity, putting whats right before wants.

The Lady says yes: she lost a hundred dollars, and has been looking since. She tips her head. "Why?" I uncurl my fist. "I found it, " I say, holding it out to her still folded.