
Enhancing prior knowledge with fiction and nonfiction read aloud choices.

I have yet to meet a teacher or student who does not LOVE sticky notes as much as a snow day in Maine. I am trying to find the original source of this Sticky Note Codes page, as the creator deserves full credit for this useful and meaningful tool. It is the sticky note model I use during read aloud time and students apply to their independent reading.
Students document information about salamanders with Acadia National Park Rangers.

Reading and Field Experience become a combination that deepens student's schema and enhances their vocabulary.

Spilling Ink

What took me so long to buy and read this book? It is a perfect nonfiction read aloud to share with writing students, a tool to enhance teacher's practice, or as a recommended independent read for students. I highly recommend this book. More information here:

Wynton Marsalis

An example of writer and illustrator being matched to perfection in telling this story...a true sonic adventure indeed. The colors, fonts, vocabulary, fluency, diversity, and voice debate and agree to share the attention, as they are all that satisfying in this book. I think readers and viewers will really appreciate the extra touches of text in the illustrations, such as Slims Cement Mixer on the side of the cement truck to the field trip tomorrow sticky note next to the alarm clock, as much as I did. There is diversity celebrated through race, music, and religion in a seamless way. I love all the onomatopoeias and text that flows throughout the pages and off the readers lips as fluent and loud as instruments and life should. A Fantastic book!

Persuasive Writing

Haunted Houses For Sale. Students completed crayon resist with water colors to illustrate their Haunted Houses for sale. They then wrote real estate ads geared towards monsters as a way to practice real life persuasive writing. This first eerie property for sale offers a spectacular view of a graveyard from the kitchen window, and lots of signs warning you of dangerous things.

Lots of broken windows and cob webs grace this haunted real estate. The wind howls through the creaky floors.The neighborhood boasts sounds of werewolves and goblins from dusk to dawn too.

A fire breath fueled sauna, a swimming pool filled with snakes and blood, and coffin bunk beds are sure to meet the fancy of a monster family with monster kids!

A gargoyle wrought iron fence surrounds this haunted Victorian.

Beware and Keep Out...looks like an Open Haunted House.